
Link to My Google Scholar Page.

My Erdős number is 3: Paul Erdős –> Daniel J. Kleitman –> Bruce L. Golden –> Rui Zhang

My research interests are:

Last-Mile Delivery, Routing, Revenue Management, and Influence Maximization on Social Networks.

Integer Programming, Network Optimization, and Approximate Dynamic Programming.


(Authors indicated with “underlined font” are Ph.D. students)

Refereed Journal Papers:

18. Branch-and-Price for the Capacitated Autonomous Vehicle Assisted Delivery Problem, INFORMS Journal on Computing. Forthcoming.
*The instances and source code in this paper can be downloaded here.

17. On Approximate Linear Programming for a Queueing Control Problem, with S. Samiedaluie and D. Zhang, Computers & Operations Research, 169, 106711, 2024.

16. The Driver-Aide Problem: Coordinated Logistics for Last-Mile Delivery, with S. Raghavan, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management26(1):291-311, 2024.

15. The Hot Spot Coverage Patrol Problem: Formulations and Solution Approaches, with Y. Luo and B. Golden, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 35(6):1286-1307, 2023.
*The instances and source code in this paper can be downloaded here.

14. The Paired Mail Carrier Problem, with Y. Luo, B. Golden, S. Poikonen, and E. Wasil, European Journal of Operational Research, 308(2), 801-817, 2023.

13. Product-Based Approximate Linear Programs for Network Revenue Management, with S. Samiedaluie and D. Zhang, Operations Research, 70(5):2837-2850, 2022.
*The NRM instances in this paper can be downloaded here.

12. A Fresh Look at the Traveling Salesman Problem with a Center, with Y. Luo, B. Golden, and S. Poikonen, Computers & Operations Research, 143, 105748, 2022.

11. Rapid Influence Maximization on Social Networks: The Positive Influence Dominating Set Problem, with S. Raghavan, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(3):1345-1365, 2022.
*The PIDS instances in this paper can be downloaded here.

10. Influence Maximization with Latency Requirements on Social Networks, with S. Raghavan, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(2):710-728, 2022.
*The PIDS-PP instances in this paper can be downloaded here.

9. The Weighted Target Set Selection Problem on Trees and Cycles, with S. Raghavan, Networks, 77(4):587-609, 2021.

8. A Branch-and-Cut Approach for the Least Cost Influence Problem on Social Networks, with D. Günneç and S. Raghavan, Networks, 76(1):84-105, 2020.

7. Least Cost Influence Maximization on Social Networks, with D. Günneç and S. Raghavan, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 32(2):289-302, 2020.

6. A Branch-and-Cut Approach for the Weighted Target Set Selection Problem on Social Networks, with S. Raghavan, INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 1(4):304-322, 2019.
*The WTSS instances in this paper can be downloaded here.

5. A Hybrid Heuristic Procedure for the Windy Rural Postman Problem with Time-Dependent Zigzag Service, with O. Lum, B. Golden, and E. Wasil, Computers & Operations Research, 88, 247-257, 2017.

4. The Windy Rural Postman Problem with a Time-Dependent Zigzag Option, with J. Nossack, B. Golden, and E. Pesch, European Journal of Operational Research, 258(3), 1131-1142, 2017.

3. The Min-Max Split Delivery Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Minimum Service Time Requirement, with X. Wang, B. Golden, and E. Wasil, Computers & Operations Research, 71, 110-126, 2016.

2. Robust Optimization Model for Runway Configuration Management, with R. Kincaid, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems5(3), 1-26, 2014.

1. Rectangles Algorithm for Generating Normal Variates, with L. Leemis, Naval Research Logistics59(1), 52-57, 2012.

Refereed Conference Proceedings:

2. Robust Optimization Model for Runway Configuration Management, with R. Kincaid, the Proceedings of the 11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference, September 20-22, 2011, Virginia Beach, VA, AIAA.

1. Routing problems with time dependencies or how different are trash collection or newspaper delivery from street sweeping or winter gritting?, with J. Nossack, B. Golden, and E. Pesch, Procedia Engineering, 182 ( 2017 ), 235 – 240, 2016. Special issue on 7th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 21 – 23 September 2016, Bialystok, Poland.

Under Review/Revision:

7. The Generator Deployment Problem: Integrating Generator Routing and Cable-Trench Network Design in Emergencies, with A. Moriakin, and H. Qin, J. Li, and F. Wan. Under Review.

6. EFFECTION: An Exact Solution Approach for the Formation and Routing of Worker Teams, with J.Li., J. Yang, and N. Huang. Under Review.

5. Branch-Price-and-Cut for the Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problem with Delivery and Pickup at Dispatch Points, with H. Zhuang, H. Qin, and J. Li. Under Review.

4. Joint Dynamic Optimization of Pricing and Personalized Recommendations in Online Retailing, with Y. Lei, Z. Jiang, and D. Zhang. Under review.

3. The Driver-Aide Problem in Urban Areas, with M. Chao, A. Masone, and B. Golden. Production and Operations Management. Major revision.

2. The Freight Multimodal Transport Problem with Buses and Drones: An Integrated Approach for Last-Mile Delivery, with E Su, H. Qin, and J. Li. Under Review.

1. Assortment Optimization for Online Video Games, with F. You and T. Vossen. Production and Operations Management. Major revision.

Working Papers:

3. Probabilistic Approximations for Network Revenue Management, with S. Samiedaluie and D. Zhang. 

2. The Role of Public Companies in the Polarization of American Politics, with S. Robinson , J. Rogers, N. Skinner, and L. Wellman.

1. First-Order Methods for Finding Weighted Graphs with Maximum Algebraic Connectivity, with M. Lewis and D. Phillips.